Somehow it's October

Not only that, almost halfway through October. How did this happen?

I’ve spent a lot of my time the past two months just drawing and reading, so much reading. I’ve finished a sketchbook and there’s a video for that available on YouTube. I’ve also made a new section for the website.

Sketchbooks! The plan is that I’ll be scanning my sketchbooks, sharing some of my favorite doodles or pages in a designated gallery and maybe make the entire sketchbook, ugly doodles and all available as a download somewhere. That bit is still a wip though.

Currently I have a Boku no hero academia “sketchbook” going in that section, I’ve been doing a ton of redraws from the manga and wanted to collect them all in one place.

I have added two pieces of art to the 2024 Artwork section. Just some new designs for Tsukino. I’ve been working on more character "redesigns” and upgrades so I look forward to sharing that when I get to it.

Hope ya’ll are doing well~

Update; August

How has two months just rolled away like it’s nothing. I’ve been focusing on spending more time just drawing, I’ve been psyching myself out a lot by needing the end goal of a drawing session to be a “product” to show off, instead of just enjoying the process of just drawing for a bit.

I have about 25 pages left in a very long running sketchbook and I am very tempted to just do pose studies to be done with it… not like I haven’t done that before.

I have done some art though, I’ve spent some time working on my stories again and ended up fleshing out Mars’ and Aion’s backstories a bunch. It resulted in some doodles and two finished digital pieces. They’re in the gallery for you to enjoy~

Update; June 2024

Well it’s been a hot minute. I’ve added two art pieces to the gallery.

A watercolor of Tsubasa that I had so much fun painting, I had forgotten how fun and relaxing watercolor can be. You really just have to sit with it and let it do it’s thing.

I used some Vangogh watercolors I bought several years ago but never got a chance to try out. I really hope I can do more watercolor soon.


Tsubasa in sunflowers

I also added a digital piece of Terra aka Chidori from Ichiban Idol. This is her first properly colored illustration and I had no idea what to do with her hair. I struggled through so many colors before settling on the teal/mint. I think it goes really well with her fuchsia colored eyes and markings.

Another character portrait done

I made a portrait for Tsubasa, you can watch the speed paint of it on my YouTube channel (linked in the ‘MORE’ section).

Not much else to add, I’ve been nursing a foot injury for the past 2 weeks and it finally seems like it’s getting better. At least I’m not limping all day at work anymore. I’m also nearing the next stage my current crochet project, where I’m making granny squares for tiny 10g skeins of cotton yarn. I have made 120 square and I’m in the process of sewing in the end on the last 30. I’m going to be turning them into a tote bag and purse I think.

I should start taking pictures so I can share them here. I think that would liven up the blog section a bit. Specially when I talk about the art and fiber arts stuff. Like this maybe;

New art of Tsubasa, can be found in the 2024 gallery and on the main character page for bnm.

I think he turned out really cute, and the awkward smile really suits him.

New art~

Oh it’s been a while. I’ve just been going about my daily routine of work, exercise and being creative. I think I’ve figured out a good routine for my video production and now I just need to work on quality and and thing like that.

Well, today I have a new piece of art for the gallery and BnM character page, just a new headshot for Tsukino, but I hope to make more of them for the other characters to.

New character page

Hey~ how are we doing? We got more snow today, it’s just silly at this point.

But here’s an update for ya’ll. I added a new page to the site! You can now find Kuiper in the Ichiban Idol section. They’re one of the newest additions to the story. Kuiper is a girl group with four members. They’re all really cute, please go check them out~ You can also find the artwork in the 2024 art gallery.

That’s all I have today, how a great rest of your day ♥

Working on stuff

Hey ya’ll, how are we doing? I’m doing pretty great~ I spent the morning walking around town catching Pokémon haha. For the longest time the routes feature just hasn’t been working in my region but today I had several I could follow and before I knew it I had been walking around for 2 hours. I’ve enabled the comment feature for the blog, not sure how it works but I figured if I’m going to ask you how your doing maybe you should have the ability to answer if you want to :)

I’ve decided I’ll try to do a blog post at least once a week, regardless of whether I’ve added stuff to the site or not. Right now I’m working on headshots for Kuiper which is one of the newest additions to Ichiban Idol. They’re a four member girl group. As of right now I only have the coloring left on the last drawing then I can add their page.

I really want to focus on getting more character art done because I want my site to be a place where you can go to find out more about what my characters look like and their backstories and things like that.

I hope you'll have a great rest of your day!

Snow storm + minor updates

After spending all December without a single snowflake on the ground, yesterday a snow storm started rolling in and today it has been absolutely brutal, the winds are so strong and the snow is so small and icy it’s like you’re being pelted with sand.

Enough about the weather though, I’ve continued adding the old pages into the new website design and I think I’m just about done aside from the writing sections. I’ve been trying to figure out a different layout but the blog format really seems like the best way to easily organize my short stories. I’ve also decided to switch to the blog format for the actual blog/update section.

Things I have left to do, aside from the writing sections, are the prefooter and footer, I kind of want to get a mailing list/newsletter going, and put the form down there. I also have the blog sidebar to figure out. I do want to put some kind of index or sorting system on there. I will add some kind of legacy page where I’ll put up downloadable pdfs of my old art but that’s a bit into the future, haven’t even made the pdfs yet.

That’s all for now, I hope you'll have a great rest of your day!

December 31st, 2023 - New years Eve

What does it say about me that I’ve spent all of new years eve redesigning my website? At least I’m having fun.

The first thing I did was go in and change the theme and I couldn’t believe that I had been using the same one for the past 5 years, how has it been that long since I create this site? I’m mostly bitter that I haven’t spent more energy on developing it and adding more of my art and stories to it.

I am working on updating all the pages into the new theme. I’ve done all the galleries and at least the BnM profiles are up for now.

This page will serve as landing page, blog and update section for now. I’m not friends with the blog design offered so I’m trying to figure stuff out, but this will do for now. Look forward to more updates in the near future.

Have a lovely day ♥♥♥