Snow storm + minor updates

After spending all December without a single snowflake on the ground, yesterday a snow storm started rolling in and today it has been absolutely brutal, the winds are so strong and the snow is so small and icy it’s like you’re being pelted with sand.

Enough about the weather though, I’ve continued adding the old pages into the new website design and I think I’m just about done aside from the writing sections. I’ve been trying to figure out a different layout but the blog format really seems like the best way to easily organize my short stories. I’ve also decided to switch to the blog format for the actual blog/update section.

Things I have left to do, aside from the writing sections, are the prefooter and footer, I kind of want to get a mailing list/newsletter going, and put the form down there. I also have the blog sidebar to figure out. I do want to put some kind of index or sorting system on there. I will add some kind of legacy page where I’ll put up downloadable pdfs of my old art but that’s a bit into the future, haven’t even made the pdfs yet.

That’s all for now, I hope you'll have a great rest of your day!